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By Phone

Dial 2-1-1 within Arizona
Dial 877-211-8661 from anywhere
602-263-0979 Fax
Arizona Relay callers, dial 7-1-1 or 800-367-8939 and ask for 877-211-8661.

By Mail

1275 W. Washington St. Suite 210
Tempe, AZ 85281-1859

We cannot help people in person at our office. Please call or use our website or free apps.


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  • Some programs, including emergency shelters, have gender restrictions
  • Some programs and services have specific age requirements
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I can’t dial 2-1-1 from my work phone

Some phone networks or PBX systems that require a “9” or another outside line access code may need to be adjusted so you can dial 2-1-1. Most systems allow you to dial 9-1-1, but some may need to be changed for 2-1-1. Your telecommunications staff or service provider should be able to make this simple adjustment. You can also reach us by dialing 1-877-211-8661.

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Do an advanced search or dial 2-1-1. Need help figuring out how to search the website for resources? Click here
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